Thursday, February 24, 2011

Interview – Natalia Mokina, Founder of

Interview – Natalia Mokina, Founder of Nevesta.kgOur interviewee is Natalia Mokina, founder of - a classifieds website for brides. We thank Natalia for her time spent answering our questions:
  • Tell us about your internet project. Who are the users of your project?
  • How did you get an idea to create this project?
  • What is the most important thing in launching an internet project?
  • What was the most difficult thing in starting an internet project?
  • What qualities must have an internet project founder?
Read all questions and answers.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

iRealty Real Estate Script Version 5.2.1 Released

WorksForWeb announces about a new minor release of iRealty 5.2.1

We strive for improving usability and stability of our classified scripts and do our best to make them bug-free. The new version contains a number of enhancements, improvements and bugfixes for the most recent major release.
Try the new version 5.2.1 on the online demo:
A changelog is also available for your review: iRealty changelog.
You are welcome to contact, email or chat with our Sales Team. Please send your requests to our Sales Team. We'll be happy to address your inquiries.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

New Products - iAuto Bikes and iLister Pets Released

iBikes and iPets releasedA significant event has happened for WorksForWeb Company and their clients. Two new awesome products were released – iLister Pet Classified Script and iAuto Bike Classified Script.

These products are actually unique as it takes little effort and time to set up

  • an awesome pets classified website featuring pets of different species, animal care products and related professional services or
  • a wonderful bikes classified website positioned to handle the growing motorcycle, scooter, and bicycle market niches.

Try the new products on the online demo:

You are welcome to contact, email or chat with our Sales Team. Please send your requests to our Sales Team. We'll be happy to address your inquiries.