Want to create a classified ads website? Great for you! There is a list of a few ideas for your own classifieds business based on iLister classifieds ads software by WorksForWeb. iLister is a multi-language SEO-optimized PHP listing script for creating classifieds websites with multiple categories. |
On-line Business Directory
iLister business directory script provides an effective way to create a fast growing and attractive Business for Sale Directory Service and give your customers access to a wealth of new business opportunities and resources. Your target audience will include startup business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, business brokers, managers, everybody looking to start a new business. You can easily create a SEO-friendly online business directory designed to offer businesses for sale, franchise opportunities, and feature business wanted ads. It’s a chance to organize a unique on-line marketplace where your customers advertise their businesses and expose multiple business opportunities to prospective buyers.
Corporate Website With Product Catalog
One of the unduly forgotten applications of iLister listing script is running a full-fledged corporate website on it. The built-in CMS allows you to create all sorts of pages, include news and current events, product and services description page and categories. And, of course, the catalog of the products presented by your company (equipment, machinery, devices, furniture, etc). You can break the online product catalog in several sub-categories, if needed. Besides you can include a number of fields to provide extensive description of all the features of your products and/or services, insert video and plenty of pictures to present each item in the most favorable light.
WorksForWeb offers a wide range of business solutions based on the classifieds ads software. Only few ideas are mentioned here. Feel free to share your ideas about starting your online business and get free professional consultation from our Sales Team. Please send your requests to sales@iautosoftware.com ,sales@irealtysoft.com and sales@ilistersoft.com and we'll be happy to address your inquiries.